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Mixer Recipe Conflicts #2410

Open windyknight opened 3 months ago

windyknight commented 3 months ago

GregTech CEu Version


Modpack Used

Nomifactory CEu Nightly 0684616

Addons Installed

Gregicality Multiblocks 1.2.8



New Worlds


Cross-Mod Interaction


Expected Behavior

When I order mixer recipes, I get what I expected.

Actual Behavior

I do not get what I expected due to recipe conflicts, instead I get something else, and the craft stalls.

Steps to Reproduce

Using a Large Mixer and circuit 1 with distinct bus mode, order batches of graphene, niobium-titanium, and tungstensteel, all part of the same craft. Sometimes, you will get titanium carbide and tungsten carbide instead. Also, I think vanadiumsteel also conflicts with recipes such as HSS-G and tungstensteel.

Additional Information

These are just the recipes I'm able to spot. Due to the number of recipes residing in circuit 1, there are likely more as well that conflict. I think both carbides should be the ones that get moved if this is patched, because the other three are used far more frequently.