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Fix LCE/ECE from parallelizing too much #2426

Closed ghzdude closed 1 month ago

ghzdude commented 1 month ago


fixes an issue where the LCE/ECE would parallelize too much because getMaxParallelVoltage() used getMaxOverclockVoltage() which was not overridden in the LCE's workable handler

origin of this issue probably came from #2390

Implementation Details

override getMaxOverclockVoltage() to return getMaxVoltage in the workable handler


a proper amount of fuel consumption and energy production

serenibyss commented 1 month ago

Is this change also relevant for large turbines? If so it may be better to put this override in the fueled multiblock controller class to potentially fix issues with other mod implementations of the class

ghzdude commented 1 month ago

Is this change also relevant for large turbines? If so it may be better to put this override in the fueled multiblock controller class to potentially fix issues with other mod implementations of the class

large gas turbines aren't affected, since they handle their recipe logic differently. moving the change up into the fueled recipe logic class would probably be a good idea.