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fix MTE block opacity #2440

Closed TechLord22 closed 1 month ago

TechLord22 commented 1 month ago


Fixes the block opacity of MTEs by making the default "fully opaque" instead of "fully transparent." Previously, the default opacity was 0 for MTEs, which means it acts like air blocks. This PR changes the default to 255, which means "fully opaque," as per the javadoc in Block#getLightOpacity(IBlockState, IBlockAccess, BlockPos).

A consequence of this bug was that any MTE block can be placed on top of things like solar boilers or solar panel covers, and allowed them to stack on top of each other while all still having access to the sun to continue producing output. This is now fixed.

This PR also fixes strange opacity overrides in MetaTileEntityDrum and MetaTileEntityCrate which should not have been there.


Fixes MTE block opacity.