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[BUG] Recipes do not work with items that have the TFC metal property #934

Closed Exzept1on closed 1 year ago

Exzept1on commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug This is a more extended version of what I wrote here once before. Any item marked as TFC metal in CraftTweaker cannot be used in GT recipes. In fact, other items, for example, food from TFC cannot be used in recipes of GTCEu machines, because of the storage duration property, most likely.

Versions Forge: 2860 GTCEu: 2.2.1 Modpack: TerraFirmaGreg R3.2.3d Lite Addons: -

Setup Does this issue happen on Singleplayer, a Server, or both: Both Does this issue happen on a newly generated world: In already created and which will be created.

Steps To Reproduce 1) Mark any item as TFC metal in CraftTweaker. 2) Log into the game and try to use the item in the GTCEu machine.

Expected behavior The recipe with the problematic item had to be fulfilled.

Screenshots With an iron rod, everything works fine since nothing has been done with it. image Here the steel rod is issued units of metal. image image And the same with a impure pile of copper dust. image

Additional context CT Script: image

Exzept1on commented 2 years ago

I just tested it, version, which is in #666 Dust centrifugation works exactly. The polarization of the rods was not checked.

PrototypeTrousers commented 2 years ago

whats the output of the /ct hand and /gt hand commands ?

Exzept1on commented 2 years ago

I didn't really understand, do I need to take an object in my hand and enter a command? If so, what is the item? The one that started centrifuging?

Exzept1on commented 2 years ago

Now I have also checked the polarization of the rods, the recipe of which does not work on the regular version of GTCEu, now everything works.

Exzept1on commented 2 years ago

ct and gt hand command on impure copper pile: image

PrototypeTrousers commented 2 years ago

and what does the steel rod with the units of metal outputs?

Exzept1on commented 2 years ago

The translator translates very poorly and sometimes I don't understand what you are writing :( I gave the TFC metal units to the steel rod, on the current version of GTCEu(2.2.3), the recipe with polarization would not work, but in PR #666 this recipe worked, if you also need screenshots of ct hand and gt hand, write about it.

PrototypeTrousers commented 2 years ago

Yes, i need the screenshot of the information of /ct hand and /gt hand while you have the steel rod in your hand

Exzept1on commented 2 years ago
