When running samblaster, specifying an input sam file (sorted by read group, with header as specified) I get a segmentation fault after about 1 minute of running:
samblaster: Version 0.1.23
samblaster: Opening Sample_PI574_486.wdups.sorted_by_readname.sam for read.
samblaster: Opening Sample_PI574_486.nodups.sorted_by_readname.sam for write.
samblaster: Loaded 20 header sequence entries.
Segmentation fault
Interestingly, when I don't specify an output file it writes directly to stdout fine
Also, when I pipe the output from stdout into samtools view, it also works:
This command ran to completion:
$samblaster -i Sample_PI574_486.wdups.sorted_by_readname.sam | /projects/bioinformatics/builds/samtools-1.3.1/samtools-1.3.1/samtools view -Sb > Sample_PI574_486.wdups.sorted_by_readname.bam
It segfaults only when using -o or --output. The permissions are all open, I have plenty of disc space available.
When running samblaster, specifying an input sam file (sorted by read group, with header as specified) I get a segmentation fault after about 1 minute of running:
$ samblaster -i Sample_PI574_486.wdups.sorted_by_readname.sam --output Sample_PI574_486.nodups.sorted_by_readname.sam
samblaster: Version 0.1.23 samblaster: Opening Sample_PI574_486.wdups.sorted_by_readname.sam for read. samblaster: Opening Sample_PI574_486.nodups.sorted_by_readname.sam for write. samblaster: Loaded 20 header sequence entries. Segmentation fault
Interestingly, when I don't specify an output file it writes directly to stdout fine Also, when I pipe the output from stdout into samtools view, it also works:
This command ran to completion: $samblaster -i Sample_PI574_486.wdups.sorted_by_readname.sam | /projects/bioinformatics/builds/samtools-1.3.1/samtools-1.3.1/samtools view -Sb > Sample_PI574_486.wdups.sorted_by_readname.bam
It segfaults only when using -o or --output. The permissions are all open, I have plenty of disc space available.