Gregwar / Captcha

PHP Captcha library
MIT License
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How can I reload the captcha with AJAX? #71

Open vgavrilovikj opened 5 years ago

vgavrilovikj commented 5 years ago

I have a form, on submit button click, with AJAX I am calling the php that sends the mail and once the email is sent the form refreshes, how can I generate a new captcha once the form is sent?

hwvs commented 4 years ago
var el = document.getElementById("captcha-img");
el.src = el.src.split('?')[0] + "?_=" + Math.random();

replace captcha-img with an id/selector to your captcha image

visavi commented 4 years ago
<img src="/captcha" onclick="this.src='/captcha?'+Math.random()" alt="captcha" style="cursor: pointer;">