Grenoble-Institute-Neurosciences / AutoNeuriteJ

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No Axon length recorded in the 'Results' #18

Open ssasante opened 2 months ago

ssasante commented 2 months ago

Hi, Thank you for this software. I can fully run the program however, I do not get any values for axon length. Though axons can be seen in the images. Also, It seems the software is unable to detect all the neurons in my images. I am not exactly sure why this is so. Can you please help?

Thank you.

Grenoble-Institute-Neurosciences commented 2 months ago

Hi Ssasante,

Are you talking about the "Neurite length" column or the "axonal tree length". The last one should have value in it only in the row of the detected axon measurements (the row where the value of "Neurite Order" =1 meaning its axon). If none of the neurite has a "Neurite order" at 1, then it means that none of the neurites where considered as axons since they did not fulfil the conditions you set.

I believe the neurone are detected but they could be excluded by the macro if they are connected each other.

Hope this help, I could have a further look if you want but you will need to send me a representative image of the ones you want to quantify.

Best, Benoit


ssasante commented 2 months ago

Thank you for your reply. From your explanation, my data shows no Neurite order at 1 hence no axon present, though I there are axons. This may probably be due to the parameters /conditions. I will send you my images and will be glad to get help with setting parameters/ conditions that can easily detect the axons. Thank you.

ssasante commented 1 month ago

Hello Benoit,

Kindly find my images below for analysis. I will be on standby for your directives. Cy3 (green) DAPI (blue)

Thank you SAS

Grenoble-Institute-Neurosciences commented 1 month ago


I am sorry for the long delay. I am moving countries and don't have much free time currently. I believe that you have bacterial contamination in you images since the number of nuclei exceed by far the number of neutrons...

This makes very likely that several nuclei are detected touching each neurone and therefore they are excluded because the macro considers them as several neurone touching each others...

Composite (RGB)