GreptimeTeam / greptimedb-ingester-go

A Go ingester for GreptimeDB, which is compatible with GreptimeDB protocol and lightweight.
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UPDATE record in test cases #27

Closed yuanbohan closed 8 months ago

yuanbohan commented 9 months ago

refer update-data to update row(s) in GreptimeDB

JetSquirrel commented 8 months ago

I can do this, please assign to me.

yuanbohan commented 8 months ago

I can do this, please assign to me.

BTW,if you want to talk to GreptimeDB members, you can reach us on Slack

JetSquirrel commented 8 months ago

Great! thank you.

JetSquirrel commented 8 months ago

Hi Greptime Team,

I try to writing UPDATE test case. I think just need using the key to found row to update, but I found some thing strange.

My understand that key in GreptimeDB is (table name,tags,timestamp), and value is (fileds). So I just need use the key to update rows. image

But when I try to update data by key, I found the key need contain other fileds, for example:

monitor := monitor{
    ID:          randomId(),   // Tag Column
    Host:        "",  // Tag Column
    Memory:      1,  // Field Column
    Cpu:         1.0,  // Field Column
    Temperature: -1, // Field Column
    Ts:          time1,   // Timestamp
    Running:     true, // Field Column
table.AddTagColumn("id", types.INT64)
table.AddTagColumn("host", types.STRING)
table.AddFieldColumn("memory", types.UINT64)
table.AddFieldColumn("cpu", types.FLOAT64)
table.AddFieldColumn("temperature", types.INT64)
table.AddFieldColumn("running", types.BOOLEAN)
table.AddTimestampColumn("ts", types.TIMESTAMP_MILLISECOND)
err :=table.AddRow(monitor.ID, monitor.Host,monitor.Memory, monitor.Cpu, monitor.Temperature, monitor.Running,monitor.Ts)
updateTable.AddTagColumn("id", types.INT64)
updateTable.AddTagColumn("host", types.STRING)
updateTable.AddFieldColumn("cpu", types.FLOAT64)
updateTable.AddTimestampColumn("ts", types.TIMESTAMP_MILLISECOND)
// update data
monitor.Cpu = 1.1
// updated value, but other fileds value change to 0/false
err:= updateTable.AddRow(monitor.ID, monitor .Host, monitor .Cpu,
        monitor .Ts)
// work
err :=updateTable.AddRow(monitor.ID, monitor.Host,monitor.Memory, monitor.Cpu, monitor.Temperature, monitor.Running,monitor.Ts)

I referenced Java update and SQL, the update operation contain all field.

I don't understand this question, can you help me figure this out?

JetSquirrel commented 8 months ago

Sorry, I've unassigned myself wrongly, please reassgin to me.

evenyag commented 8 months ago

GreptimeDB doesn't support updating a row partially as it treats a row as a key-value pair. It always overwrites (replaces) the whole row so you need to provide all fields.

yuanbohan commented 8 months ago

GreptimeDB doesn't support updating a row partially as it treats a row as a key-value pair. It always overwrites (replaces) the whole row so you need to provide all fields.

Yes. Updating scenarios for time-series databases are not very common. We currently do not support partial updates, although we may consider adding this feature in the future. However, we cannot commit to a specific timeline for its implementation. @JetSquirrel

JetSquirrel commented 8 months ago

Ok, thank you!