GreptimeTeam / greptimedb

An open-source, cloud-native, distributed time-series database with PromQL/SQL/Python supported. Available on GreptimeCloud.
Apache License 2.0
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Failed to support insert data without specify the `ts` column when using `?` placeholder #4244

Open zyy17 opened 3 days ago

zyy17 commented 3 days ago

What type of bug is this?

Unexpected error

What subsystems are affected?

Query Engine

Minimal reproduce step

Test code

I'm using the Go and to connect greptimedb:

package main

import (


func main() {
    if err := testDB(); err != nil {

func testDB() error {
    cfg := mysql.Config{
        Net:                  "tcp",
        Addr:                 "localhost:4002",
        AllowNativePasswords: true,
    ctx := context.Background()

    db, err := sql.Open("mysql", cfg.FormatDSN())
    if err != nil {
        return err

    conn, err := db.Conn(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    createStandaloneTableSQL := `CREATE TABLE test_table(
                            ts TIMESTAMP DEFAULT current_timestamp(),
                            n INT,
                            row_id INT,
                            PRIMARY KEY(n),
                            TIME INDEX (ts)

    _, err = db.Exec(createStandaloneTableSQL)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    insertDataSQL := `INSERT INTO test_table(n, row_id) VALUES (?, ?);`
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
        _, err = conn.ExecContext(ctx, insertDataSQL, i, i)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    return nil

Test steps

  1. Run the greptimedb
docker run -p \
-v "$(pwd)/greptimedb:/tmp/greptimedb" \
--name greptime --rm \ standalone start \
--http-addr \
--rpc-addr \
--mysql-addr \
  1. Run the test code
go run test-placeholder.go
panic: Error 1815: Invalid request to region 4398046511104(1024, 0), reason: column ts is not null but input has null

After multiple tests, the above test failed when the db release version > v0.7.2. It works well in v0.7.2.

  1. Specify the ts column can work
package main

import (


func main() {
    if err := testDB(); err != nil {

func testDB() error {
    cfg := mysql.Config{
        Net:                  "tcp",
        Addr:                 "localhost:4002",
        AllowNativePasswords: true,
    ctx := context.Background()

    db, err := sql.Open("mysql", cfg.FormatDSN())
    if err != nil {
        return err

    conn, err := db.Conn(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    createStandaloneTableSQL := `CREATE TABLE test_table(
                            ts TIMESTAMP DEFAULT current_timestamp(),
                            n INT,
                            row_id INT,
                            PRIMARY KEY(n),
                            TIME INDEX (ts)

    _, err = db.Exec(createStandaloneTableSQL)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    insertDataSQL := `INSERT INTO test_table(n, row_id, ts) VALUES (?, ?, ?);`
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
        now := time.Now()
        timestampInMillisecond := now.Unix()*1000 + int64(now.Nanosecond())/1e6
        _, err = conn.ExecContext(ctx, insertDataSQL, i, i, timestampInMillisecond)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    return nil
  1. If I don't use the ? placeholder, it works
package main

import (


func main() {
    if err := testDB(); err != nil {

func testDB() error {
    cfg := mysql.Config{
        Net:                  "tcp",
        Addr:                 "localhost:4002",
        AllowNativePasswords: true,
    ctx := context.Background()

    db, err := sql.Open("mysql", cfg.FormatDSN())
    if err != nil {
        return err

    conn, err := db.Conn(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    createStandaloneTableSQL := `CREATE TABLE test_table(
                            ts TIMESTAMP DEFAULT current_timestamp(),
                            n INT,
                            row_id INT,
                            PRIMARY KEY(n),
                            TIME INDEX (ts)

    _, err = db.Exec(createStandaloneTableSQL)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
        insertDataSQL := fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO test_table(n, row_id) VALUES (%d, %d)", i, i)
        _, err = conn.ExecContext(ctx, insertDataSQL)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    return nil

What did you expect to see?

The test code should work.

What did you see instead?

The test code failed.

What operating system did you use?


What version of GreptimeDB did you use?


Relevant log output and stack trace

No response

zyy17 commented 3 days ago

@waynexia @evenyag

killme2008 commented 2 days ago

Let me figure out.

killme2008 commented 2 days ago

Java is good:

        Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:4002/public", "root", "password");

        PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO test_table(n, row_id) VALUES (?, ?);");

        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
            pstmt.setInt(1, i);
            pstmt.setInt(2, i);

            if (i % 100 == 0 ){


Looks like it's related to

killme2008 commented 2 days ago


mysql> prepare stmt1 from 'INSERT INTO test_table(n, row_id) VALUES (?, ?)';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> EXECUTE stmt1 using 1, 1;
ERROR 1815 (HY000): Invalid request to region 4398046511104(1024, 0), reason: column ts is not null but input has null

Let me fix it.