GreyDGL / PentestGPT

A GPT-empowered penetration testing tool
MIT License
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crash on windows #136

Open eligreenmac opened 11 months ago

eligreenmac commented 11 months ago

instaled on windows without virtual env (because cant get it work with set api key) so i entered the api key into pentestgpt-connection file after that just keep crashing..... the api key is ok

take a look here any help pls, thanks


GreyDGL commented 11 months ago

Emm the output is super strange. It seems that you have access to GPT4 but not access to GPT3.5? May I know if you have a paid account at OpenAI, and a valid OpenAI API key? Meanwhile I'll debug on Windows. The dev work is mainly done on Unix-based systems.

eligreenmac commented 11 months ago

Hi, yes, I have paid account.About 3 days ago all worked good.Maybe There was some changes in code in GitHub ?

Also I can see that there are a differents in py files between when I make venv and clone the git inside and when it clone with out just venv

eligreenmac commented 11 months ago

Fixed. On windows to set env var you need use setx command (not set) And then exit toe powershell, and open it again