GreycLab / CImg

The CImg Library is a small and open-source C++ toolkit for image processing
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Lanczos versus cubic interpolation #404

Open asgr opened 7 months ago

asgr commented 7 months ago

Hi, I'm using this package for astronomy image projection (asgr/ProPane via the R imager package) and currently have a related paper under review. The referee asked something along the lines of "will CImg gain usage of Lanczos interpolation for image warping?"

Perhaps somebody here knows the answer to this (whether it is likely). I also note the the image resize function in CImg does have a Lanczos interpolation option, so it doesn't seem completely improbably it might be added on the warping side too. Maybe there are technical reason why this is not recommended that I am just not aware of (artefacts when images are relatively rotated etc, rather than aligned like in the resize case).

