Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
Minecraft Forge Version: [Latest as of 22/12/18]
Rogue-Like Dungeons Version: 1.8.0
Java Version: Version 8 Update 191 [64 bit]
Our server is using SpongeForge Version: 1.12.2-2768-7.1.5-RC3512
Players report on my Server that upon raiding a Rogue Dungeon sometimes they will loot chests with blank enchanting books. These books are literally just called "Enchanting Book" with no traits or benefits of even having them.
This issue is not serious, or even remotely report-worthy, but its nice to bring issues to Developers' Notice.
You can see a blank enchanting book that a user got here:
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2 Minecraft Forge Version: [Latest as of 22/12/18] Rogue-Like Dungeons Version: 1.8.0 Java Version: Version 8 Update 191 [64 bit]
Our server is using SpongeForge Version: 1.12.2-2768-7.1.5-RC3512
Players report on my Server that upon raiding a Rogue Dungeon sometimes they will loot chests with blank enchanting books. These books are literally just called "Enchanting Book" with no traits or benefits of even having them.
This issue is not serious, or even remotely report-worthy, but its nice to bring issues to Developers' Notice.
You can see a blank enchanting book that a user got here: