[FIXED] a bug with shunts when nb_busbar_per_sub >= 2
[FIXED] some bugs preventing backward compatibility
[FIXED] an issue in the computation of gen_q when intialized with pypowsybl
(some overflow cpp side leading to infinite number in gen_q)
[FIXED] a bug in the "containers" cpp side (wrong bus was assigned)
when elements was disconnected, which lead to wrong computations for
time series or contingency analysis.
[FIXED] another bug in ContingencyAnalysis (cpp side) leading to wrong computation
when a powerline was disconnected
[FIXED] some broken imports when grid2op was not installed
[FIXED] missing "typing_extension" as required when installation
[ADDED] some information of compilation directly in the cpp module
[ADDED] some information of compilation available in the python compilation_options
module python side
[ADDED] some convenient methods for ContingencyAnalysis python side (most
notably the possibility to initialize it from a LightSimBackend and to
change the topology of the grid)
[ADDED] a "reward" module in lightsim2grid with custom reward
based on lightsim2grid.
[ADDED] a class N1ContingencyReward that can leverage lightsim2grid to
assess the number of safe / unsafe N-1.
[IMPROVED] time measurments in python and c++
[IMPROVED] now test lightsim2grid with oldest grid2op version
[IMPROVED] speed, by accelerating the reading back of the data (now read only once and then
pointers are re used)
[IMPROVED] c++ side avoid allocating memory (which allow to gain speed python side too)
[IMPROVED] type hinting in LightSimBackend for all 'public' methods (most
notably the one used by grid2op)
[IMPROVED] now the benchmarks are more verbose (detailing some compilation options)
>= 2compilation_options
module python sideContingencyAnalysis
python side (most notably the possibility to initialize it from aLightSimBackend
and to change the topology of the grid)N1ContingencyReward
that can leverage lightsim2grid to assess the number of safe / unsafe N-1.LightSimBackend
for all 'public' methods (most notably the one used by grid2op)