GridMod / RTS-GMLC

Reliability Test System - Grid Modernization Lab Consortium
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Are start heat units correct? #110

Closed gschivley closed 4 years ago

gschivley commented 4 years ago

I came to this project via a twitter question looking for startup fuel consumption in gas CTs. The gen.csv data file appears to have startup heat requirements, with listed units of MBTU. Are these million BTU or thousand BTU?

If million BTU, the cold start (1,457 for 55 MW) implies 26 million BTU/MW startup. If thousand BTU, the same value implies 0.026 million BTU/MW startup.

Either way, these values are at least one of magnitude off from the 3.5 million BTU/startup I've seen referenced elsewhere. Is there something I'm not understanding about the data?

claytonpbarrows commented 4 years ago

The units should be million BTU. Will be resolved when #100 is merged.

As for the startup heat values, I'm not very confident in how representative the data is. I am confident that the relative operational costs (startup, shutdown, and production) of all units creates sensible results.

If you have suggestions and references on what the values should be, I'd like to either document the discrepancies (easy) or update the data (more difficult).

claytonpbarrows commented 4 years ago

@gschivley I think this report has some of the data you might be looking for.

claytonpbarrows commented 4 years ago

closing in favor of #112