GridMod / RTS-GMLC

Reliability Test System - Grid Modernization Lab Consortium
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PowerModels parse broken #87

Closed jd-lara closed 6 years ago

jd-lara commented 6 years ago

@claytonpbarrows Currently Power Models matpower parsing breaks with the latest version of the data. The error is related to the pwl cost functions.

claytonpbarrows commented 6 years ago

This is an issue with PowerModels. Specifically, the DC line adds a cost row that isn't compatible with the PWL cost format. I'm opening an issue in PowerModels

claytonpbarrows commented 6 years ago

The latest version of PowerModels fixes this issue

ccoffrin commented 6 years ago

To clarify the meaning of "latest", the fix is now in the master branch. The next tagged version after v0.7.2 will include this fix.