GridProtectionAlliance / openPDC

Open Source Phasor Data Concentrator
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Connection attempt failed for ppa [C:\Program Files\openPDC\Archive\]: Value must be positive #129

Closed arz-ece closed 4 years ago

arz-ece commented 4 years ago

Hello Everyone,

I am new to github, so please bear with me if any mistake I make here!

The issue I have is with archiving OpenPDC streaming data! While I can stream real-time data in OpenPDC, the .d files of PPA and STAT does not get stored anywhere in the relevant OpenPDC folders.

Please find attached a snapshot of the OpenPDC Console that highlights the issue. Also I am copying part of the ErrorLog.txt that gives some information on this:

Application Domain: openPDC.exe Assembly Codebase: C:/Program Files/openPDC/openPDC.exe Assembly Full Name: openPDC, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Assembly Version: Assembly Build Date: 3/17/2017 3:04:06 PM .Net Runtime Version: 4.0.30319.42000

Exception Source: GSF.Historian Exception Type: System.ArgumentException Exception Message: Value must be positive Exception Target Site: set_DataBlockSize

---- Stack Trace ---- GSF.Historian.Files.ArchiveFileAllocationTable.set_DataBlockSize(value As Int32) openPDC.exe: N 00075 GSF.Historian.Files.FixedTableRegion.ParseBinaryImage(buffer As Byte[], startIndex As Int32, length As Int32) openPDC.exe: N 01614 GSF.Historian.Files.ArchiveFileAllocationTable..ctor(parent As ArchiveFile) openPDC.exe: N 00501 GSF.Historian.Files.ArchiveFile.OpenStream() openPDC.exe: N 00914 GSF.Historian.Files.ArchiveFile.Open() openPDC.exe: N 00635 HistorianAdapters.LocalOutputAdapter.AttemptConnection() openPDC.exe: N 00119 GSF.TimeSeries.Adapters.OutputAdapterBase.AttemptConnectionOperation() openPDC.exe: N 00290

(Outer Exception) Date and Time: 1/25/2020 12:04:13 AM Machine Name: RTPIS-DT4 Machine IP: fe80::29d0:1ee2:6557:f044%13 Machine OS: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1

Application Domain: openPDC.exe Assembly Codebase: C:/Program Files/openPDC/openPDC.exe Assembly Full Name: openPDC, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Assembly Version: Assembly Build Date: 3/17/2017 3:04:06 PM .Net Runtime Version: 4.0.30319.42000

Exception Source:
Exception Type: System.InvalidOperationException Exception Message: Connection attempt failed for ppa [C:\Program Files\openPDC\Archive]: Value must be positive

Part of the issue comes from the "Value must be positive" message, which I don't understand.

I truly appreciate if any kind soul could help me with this.

Many Thanks, Ali OpenPDC_Console_SnapShot

StephenCWills commented 4 years ago

This is usually due to data corruption in the active file. Try deleting the corresponding file from each archive: ppa_archive.dat or stat_archive.dat.

arz-ece commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the response, Stephen. I did as you did and while I see the problem with the Statistics Folder solved as it is storing the stat_... .d files, the Archive .d files don't get stored yet! The only files created in the Archive folder are:

scratch.dat ppa_startup.dat ppa_dbase.dat2 ppa_archive.d

I am not getting any errors in the Console or ErrorLog.txt now.

What can be the next step to solve this?

Thanks, Ali

StephenCWills commented 4 years ago

Hi Ali,

ppa_archive.d is the active file. That's where new data points go as they enter the archive. Once that file gets full, the archive will roll over, essentially renaming that file to include start and end timestamps and then creating a new ppa_archive.d file for the new measurements entering the archive. Therefore, the fact that it is not creating any historic files indicates that the active file is simply not full yet. Whether that is because you haven't waited long enough or there is an underlying error, I couldn't really say. (Note that the active file's size will not increase because the file is preallocated to a specific size when it's created and will likely roll over before it needs to be expanded. Therefore, file size is not a good indicator of whether the archive is working properly.)

If you still feel there might be something worth investigating, there are a number of things you can try. The list /o command on the console will show you how many measurements have been archived by the PPA historian, which can give you an idea of whether the historian is actually working. The list PPA command will give you a very detailed status of the historian that can give you insights into potential issues. Reinitializing the historian gives you the opportunity to force any errors that may have occurred at startup to reoccur so you can see the error message again.

Feel free to try any of those things I just suggested and report back here if you determine any new information.

Thanks, Stephen

arz-ece commented 4 years ago

Dear Stephen,

The Console is running continuously whether OpenPDC is collecting data or not so I am unable to write a command there.

However, PPA looks like below. The interesting thing is the Statistics folder is generating new .d files while the PPA is unable to do that.

stat_archive_2020-01-31 16!42!09.607_to_2020-01-31 18!58!26.615 stat_archive_2020-01-31 14!22!04.104_to_2020-01-31 16!42!09.607

On Console Screen: [PPA] 42,912,825 measurements have been processed so far...

I have restarted the workstation but no changes...



Thanks, Ali

StephenCWills commented 4 years ago

You can type commands into the console while it's running. If you're having trouble with that, then you can use the Remote System Console page in the openPDC Manager which has a separate text box for entering commands. You can also use the q command to help quiet down the console to make it easier to enter commands. When you're done entering commands, use the r command to resume.

The stat historian really shouldn't be producing so many new historic files. It sounds like something may be misconfigured in your system. Please double-check that your devices are writing their data to the PPA archive and not the STAT archive.

arz-ece commented 4 years ago

Stephen, I am reporting back here the new information from executing list /o and list ppa. Do you detect any problem in it?





ritchiecarroll commented 4 years ago

Your openPDC version looks rather old - is it possible to upgrade to a newer version? You are on version 2.4, the latest version is 2.7:

Before the upgrade I would stop the service and remove the Archive and Statistics folders.

Also, we generally recommend using the openHistorian for archiving data as this provides many performance benefits, see:

Thanks, Ritchie