Griesba / docker-swarm-100

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create a 3-node swarm cluster #1

Open Griesba opened 3 years ago

Griesba commented 3 years ago

Create node with docker-machine command docker-machine create node1 (create vm with busy box)

docker-machine ssh node1 (connect to the machine in ssh mode)

docker-machine env node1

Another option is to use

You can user online plateform to create you node. At this point you need to install docker whith script you can found here

Griesba commented 3 years ago

once connected with ssh to nod1 run docker swarm init (to init swarm and get join token )

if ip add is requested: docker swarm init --advertise-addr

copy join command and paste it to node2

come back to node1 and run <> and you should see node2

docker node update --role manager node2

docker swarm join-token manager

create service: (always connected to node1 in ssh mode) docker service create --replicas 3 alpine ping test with : docker service ls docker serice ps