Griesbacher / nagflux

A connector which copies performancedata from Nagios / Icinga(2) / Naemon to InfluxDB
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Service checked from Nagios are not stored in influx DB #52

Open budabudaok opened 3 years ago

budabudaok commented 3 years ago

Hello @Griesbacher First of all thanks for your amazing plugin! please could you help me with this issue: I installed nagflux with this guide i think that all is OK but i get the error: Database Error: No data found when i integrated Grafana / Histou into the Nagios Core web interface but only with th SERVICE with the host all are OK.

I started to debug and i think that nagflux is unable to insert any metric of SERVICES on the database "nagflux" when a query with: select time,host,service,performanceLabel,value,warn,crit from metrics

so then histou can't graphited any service on grafana.

Heres is my config file of nagflux:

/opt/nagflux/config.gcfg [main] NagiosSpoolfileFolder = "/usr/local/nagios/var/spool/nagfluxperfdata" NagiosSpoolfileWorker = 10 InfluxWorker = 10 MaxInfluxWorker = 50 DumpFile = "nagflux.dump" NagfluxSpoolfileFolder = "/usr/local/nagios/var/nagflux" FieldSeparator = "&" BufferSize = 10000 FileBufferSize = 65536 DefaultTarget = "all"

[Log] LogFile = "/opt/logs/nagios/nagflux.log" MinSeverity = "DEBUG"

[InfluxDBGlobal] CreateDatabaseIfNotExists = true NastyString = "" NastyStringToReplace = "" HostcheckAlias = "hostcheck" ServicecheckAlias = "servicecheck"

[InfluxDB "nagflux"] Enabled = true Version = 1.0 Address = "" Arguments = "precision=ms&u=root&p=root&db=nagflux" StopPullingDataIfDown = true

[InfluxDB "fast"] Enabled = false Version = 1.0 Address = "" Arguments = "precision=ms&u=root&p=root&db=fast" StopPullingDataIfDown = false

any advice is very welcome! thanks for your time!
