GrigLog / ThaumTweaks

Small TC6 addon, focused on rebalancing mod's mechanics and making overall game experience more enjoyable. Releases and detailed description at
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[suggestion] a bunch of suggestions #8

Open Biviho opened 3 years ago

Biviho commented 3 years ago

hi, aafter playing and tweaking thaumcraft for my modpack i have some suggestions for you mod: (tell me if i'm wrong with some of my statement)

-foci: if i'm not wrong, higher level foci increase the power at the cost of an increased delay between cast. Fo a game design standpoint it's a good tradeof, but for how strong some spell are when stacked or spammed, usually the best strategy is to stick with the lower tier. my propose is to or reverse the tradeof so lesser foci have longer cooldown, or remove the tradeof, or make cooldown and power multiplier configurable per foci tier.

-curios: in game, for what i have experienced, there aren't too many curio drops...basically the only one is the amber one. my propose is to add curio drops from mobs and in loot chest if a player have the band of curiosity equipped (it is called band of curiosity and don't add curios drops by default, wtf) there should be a configurable chance for mob drop and for chest (in reality this could also be done by other mods, but if you want to add it i think it make sense for your mod)

-golems combat capability: in my expirience, golems are a bit weak in combat, expecially vs modded mobs. my propose is to add config for: -base golem health, armor, thoughness by material (i guess is by material) -base melee and ranged damage -the amount of armor/thougness added by armored and fragile traits -the amount of damage added by brutal trait

this is all for now, i will add more to this if i have more suggestions, tell me what are your toughts

GrigLog commented 3 years ago

Spell system really needs rebalancing, Im fully agree with this.

In fact, there are three usable curiosities - preserved one, which you have mentioned, Crimson Rites (drops from cultists when killed by a player, can be farmed if you find a way to heal a portal) and Illuminating Curiosity, which can be obtained from pechs (not quite sure about this one, as Ive never got anything valueble from them... Another thing to change, probably). I dont think getting curiosities from killing some random mobs is ok, as it results in dull grinding... But we definetly need a way to obtain them. E.g. twisting curiosity may be dropped by Taint seeds, as they have no application in game now. Or giving a bunch of Arcane curiosities to a player whenever he clears his warp (as most of the players dont care about warp at all).

Never thought about golems in a way of auto-killing mobs) Lava traps do their job very well. BUT, there are some drops that can only be obtained by manual killing - for example, phantom membranes, gold ingots from pigmans, Crimson Rites from cultists. And it would be cool if golems could mislead the game and kill mobs as if they were players. This possibility is very OP tho, and agression module's craft should be complicated... Tere is no need to increase their damage, as you can just give him a sword with high damage and he will use it, but their survivability is questionable indeed.

Biviho commented 3 years ago

i can absolutely agree with your points about balance, my observations where mostly focused around how i was trying to tweak thaumcraft on my pack.

i wanted to promote exploration, while still make a player able to do the classic research on the research table, this is why i suggested the curiosities drop, but i agree that making random mob drop them could be pretty boring as it promotes mob farms, probably a good implementation could be to make the currently not obtainable curios (there is at least one that you did not mention that is the arcane, if i recall correctly, tell me if i'm wrong and they are all obtainable) added to chests loot tables. I agree that this can actually be doable with a change in loot table using other mods, but could be a feature that can make sense on your mod.

about golems, more than a way to autokill mobs for mobs farm (that i personally don't like), i did suggested this more from a personal bodyguard point of view. So for example by setting them in follow mode, or by using the guard sigil from thaumic augmentation to guard an area aroung your base. I agree that the ability to make the game think that a golem is a player, even if cool, is op, in fact it wasn't in my suggestion xD i actually wasn't aware of their ability to use swords...this actually make the claw arm a bit underpowered i guess, but maybe i'm missing some detail.

edit: i forgot about the spells

if i'm not wrong, the most broken effects are the cloud spells and the bats. for clouds a possible fix could be to not make theyr effect stackable in the same point, in this way a cloud effect will promote the player to spread the effect rather than to stack it for multiple unbalanced ticks of effect...but i don't know how easy is to do this based on how it is already implemented

for bats i have to admit that i don't really have much ideas, i have to admit that i did not experimented a lot with them and i'm currently a bit busy...maybe a rebalancing on how much complexity is added with each bat with the splitting effect, so the player can't create more than a reasonable number of them, or adding a health decay on bats each time they attack (i will experiment more when i can)

Hyxaru commented 3 years ago

I'd like to add that currently you can make a deft-fighter golem. Make it pick up an item with damage (swords, axes), and it will use the item to deal damage in combat. For example a diamond sword with smite V given to a golem can easily allow it to kill undead mobs. No durability is dealt to the weapon currently, which could be considered a bug. But atleast it opens up more options besides void tools.