GrimAnticheat / Grim

Fully async, multithreaded, predictive, open source, 3.01 reach, 1.005 timer, 0.01% speed, 99.99% antikb, "bypassable" 1.8-1.20 anticheat.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.01k stars 287 forks source link

Future Beta Velocity Bypass #1149

Open Th3L1nk opened 10 months ago

Th3L1nk commented 10 months ago

Describe the bypass and how to replicate it

I have no idea how it works, I dont have future beta, but I fight people who do and they take no knockback and have stated openly that future beta has a bypass.

Grim version


Server version



whatever plugins 2b2t runs

catgirljenni commented 10 months ago


oragejuice commented 10 months ago

I think they're using this, I tested it on 2b and seems to work the same. The bypass part from the velocity module is:

            if (event.getPacket() instanceof EntityVelocityUpdateS2CPacket ) {
                EntityVelocityUpdateS2CPacket  var4 = event.getPacket();
                if (var4.getId() == mc.player.getId()) {
                    grimTicks = 6;
            if (event.getPacket() instanceof PlayPingS2CPacket && grimTicks > 0) {
Th3L1nk commented 10 months ago

Thank you for adding this oragejuice. Velocity is ultimately the biggest hindrance to the current meta, and it's unfortunately very tricky to patch.

c0dingnoobi commented 10 months ago pls merge this..

this check would successfully flag any transaction/ping packet cancellings to bypass velocity without falses. i rlly can not understand why this pr is still open

Th3L1nk commented 10 months ago

if thats the case then why does future betas velo still seem to work on 2b

Th3L1nk commented 10 months ago

I believe that they updated it yesterday no?

c0dingnoobi commented 10 months ago

Transactions do get dropped in some situations

as mentioned in the pr that check is valid, and is used by multiple servers (1.8 1.20 1.19 since months (and multiversions)) checking transaction order is a valid approach karhu/polar even do it too

2b2t runs an older version of Grim as far as I know.

i dont know about 2b2ts current situation of what version they run im just saying, using that check we could avoid further "bypasses"

c0dingnoobi commented 10 months ago

just checked again and yes its patched by

we either have to assume that 2b2t uses an old version which i doubt since that commit is from june or future does something else than the shown snippet

c0dingnoobi commented 10 months ago

this was patched a long time ago

still confused when he said I tested it on 2b and seems to work the same

c0dingnoobi commented 10 months ago

doesnt since well 2b2t might not be on that ver yet

flufferyomada commented 10 months ago

From my knowledge Their Version is atleast from august

master7720 commented 10 months ago


AoElite commented 9 months ago

I've tested Future Beta & it doesn't appear to bypass grim. Maybe 2b2t has configured grim wrong.

Th3L1nk commented 9 months ago

what version were you testing and what configs

skdii commented 9 months ago

wdym future doesnt have working velocity nor does beta build. It only works on 2b2t since its very old version but it doesnt work so idk what u yappin about

skdii commented 9 months ago

ture Beta & it doesn't appear to bypass grim. Maybe 2b2t has configured grim wrong.

bro you do not have future beta stop lyin 😭 💀

AoElite commented 9 months ago

ture Beta & it doesn't appear to bypass grim. Maybe 2b2t has configured grim wrong.

bro you do not have future beta stop lyin 😭 💀

I don't have future beta and never claimed I did, but I know someone who does & did test it. However I don't know if they were using the latest version of it and I haven't tested it since. There could have been updates made after. I also tested it on the very latest grim at the time & not on 2b2t.

skdii commented 9 months ago

"Ive tested" , Wild aswell you were probably testing the public release, I doubt any beta user would help develop a patch