Closed CNDogc closed 10 months ago
When grimac 2.3.51 is running on purpur-1.20.2-2095, tree chopping will have pullbacks and false positives
grimac 2.3.51
Current: git-Purpur-2095 (MC: 1.20.2)* Previous: git-Purpur-2092 (MC: 1.20.2)
Bukkit Plugins: (82): [01:17:58 INFO]: - AdventCalendar, AureliumSkills, AuthMe, AuthMeTitles, BedrockPlayerSupport, BetterRTP, BungeeTabListPlus, Chunky, Citizens, CMILib [01:17:58 INFO]: CommandBlocker, ConsoleSpamFix, CustomSprays, DecentHolograms, DeluxeMenus, eBackup, EChatPapi, EnderDragon, Essentials, EssentialsChat [01:17:58 INFO]: EssentialsSpawn, FightLogger, floodgate, GeyserHacks, GeyserSkinManager, GrimAC, GSit, GUIHelper, HolographicDisplays, HungerKeeperPlus [01:17:58 INFO]: InventoryRollbackPlus, ItemCommand, ItemsAdder, LiteSignIn, LockettePro, LoneLibs, LuckPerms, MCEEW, MiniMOTD, ModelEngine [01:17:58 INFO]: Multiverse-Core, MythicMobs, NBTAPI, OpenInv, PartyGames, PlaceholderAPI, PlayerPoints, PlayerTitle, PlayerTop, PlaytimeRewards [01:17:58 INFO]: Prism, ProtocolLib, PvPManager, QuickShop, QuickShopForm, RayTraceAntiXray, RealisticSeasons, RedPacketRain, ReleaseCommand, Residence [01:17:58 INFO]: ResidenceForm, Scoreboard, Sentinel, ServerMonitor, SkinsRestorer, spark, Stp, Tamablefoxes, TDRPlaytime, Themis [01:17:58 INFO]: Tpa, TrackMyMiner, UltraSetHome, Vault, VeinMiner, ViaBackwards, ViaRewind, ViaVersion, Vulcan, WkKit [01:17:58 INFO]: WorldEdit, YukiNoaAPI
And after my testing, the grimac-2.3.46 version does not have this problem
This is a duplicate of #1253
2.3.51 doesn't truly have the latest packetevents changes, they need to publish a new version I believe
Describe the false positive and how to replicate it
When grimac 2.3.51 is running on purpur-1.20.2-2095, tree chopping will have pullbacks and false positives
Grim version
grimac 2.3.51
Server version
Current: git-Purpur-2095 (MC: 1.20.2)* Previous: git-Purpur-2092 (MC: 1.20.2)
Bukkit Plugins: (82): [01:17:58 INFO]: - AdventCalendar, AureliumSkills, AuthMe, AuthMeTitles, BedrockPlayerSupport, BetterRTP, BungeeTabListPlus, Chunky, Citizens, CMILib [01:17:58 INFO]: CommandBlocker, ConsoleSpamFix, CustomSprays, DecentHolograms, DeluxeMenus, eBackup, EChatPapi, EnderDragon, Essentials, EssentialsChat [01:17:58 INFO]: EssentialsSpawn, FightLogger, floodgate, GeyserHacks, GeyserSkinManager, GrimAC, GSit, GUIHelper, HolographicDisplays, HungerKeeperPlus [01:17:58 INFO]: InventoryRollbackPlus, ItemCommand, ItemsAdder, LiteSignIn, LockettePro, LoneLibs, LuckPerms, MCEEW, MiniMOTD, ModelEngine [01:17:58 INFO]: Multiverse-Core, MythicMobs, NBTAPI, OpenInv, PartyGames, PlaceholderAPI, PlayerPoints, PlayerTitle, PlayerTop, PlaytimeRewards [01:17:58 INFO]: Prism, ProtocolLib, PvPManager, QuickShop, QuickShopForm, RayTraceAntiXray, RealisticSeasons, RedPacketRain, ReleaseCommand, Residence [01:17:58 INFO]: ResidenceForm, Scoreboard, Sentinel, ServerMonitor, SkinsRestorer, spark, Stp, Tamablefoxes, TDRPlaytime, Themis [01:17:58 INFO]: Tpa, TrackMyMiner, UltraSetHome, Vault, VeinMiner, ViaBackwards, ViaRewind, ViaVersion, Vulcan, WkKit [01:17:58 INFO]: WorldEdit, YukiNoaAPI