GrimAnticheat / Grim

Fully async, multithreaded, predictive, open source, 3.01 reach, 1.005 timer, 0.01% speed, 99.99% antikb, "bypassable" 1.8-1.20 anticheat.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.07k stars 309 forks source link

BadPacketsE false positives on higher builds #623

Closed misss520 closed 2 years ago

misss520 commented 2 years ago

The core I am using is 1.8.8 and ViaVersion is used When a client using 1.12.2 tries to enter the server, my client The end suffered a false positive from BadPacketsE, and they were subsequently banned I think this is an issue that needs to be fixed At least I don't want to lose my players either

MWHunter commented 2 years ago

Send your viaversion config

misss520 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for downloading ViaVersion

Ensure you look through all these options

If you need help:

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Docs -




Should ViaVersion check for updates?

checkforupdates: true

Send the supported versions with the Status (Ping) response packet

send-supported-versions: false

Easier to configure alternative to 'block-protocols'. Uses readable version strings with possible '<' and '>' prefixes.

An example to block 1.16.4, everything below 1.16, as well as everything above 1.17.1 would be: ["<1.16", "1.16.4", ">1.17.1"]

You can use both this and the block-protocols option at the same time as well.

block-versions: []

Block specific Minecraft protocol version numbers.

List of all Minecraft protocol versions:, or use a generator:

block-protocols: []

Change the blocked disconnect message

block-disconnect-msg: You are using an unsupported Minecraft version!

If you use ProtocolLib, we can't reload without kicking the players.

(We don't suggest using reload either, use a plugin manager)

You can customise the message we kick people with if you use ProtocolLib here.

reload-disconnect-msg: Server reload, please rejoin!

We warn when there's a error converting item and block data over versions, should we suppress these? (Only suggested if spamming)

suppress-conversion-warnings: false





Packets Per Second (PPS) limiter (Use -1 on max-pps and tracking-period to disable)

Clients by default send around 20-90 packets per second.

What is the maximum per second a client can send (Use %pps to display their pps)

Use -1 to disable.

max-pps: 800 max-pps-kick-msg: You are sending too many packets!

We can also kick them if over a period they send over a threshold a certain amount of times.

Period to track (in seconds)

Use -1 to disable.

tracking-period: 6

How many packets per second counts as a warning

tracking-warning-pps: 120

How many warnings over the interval can we have

This can never be higher than "tracking-period"

tracking-max-warnings: 4 tracking-max-kick-msg: You are sending too many packets, :(




Should we enable our hologram patch?

If they're in the wrong place enable this

hologram-patch: false

This is the offset, should work as default when enabled.

hologram-y: -0.96

Should we disable piston animation for 1.11/1.11.1 clients?

In some cases when firing lots of pistons it crashes them.

piston-animation-patch: false

Should we fix nbt for 1.12 and above clients in chat messages (causes invalid item)

chat-nbt-fix: true

Experimental - Should we fix shift quick move action for 1.12 clients (causes shift + double click not to work when moving items) (only works on 1.8-1.11.2 bukkit based servers)

quick-move-action-fix: false

Should we use prefix for team colour on 1.13 and above clients

team-colour-fix: true

1.13 introduced new auto complete which can trigger "Kicked for spamming" for servers older than 1.13, the following option will disable it completely.

disable-1_13-auto-complete: false

The following option will delay the tab complete request in x ticks if greater than 0, if other tab-complete is received, the previous is cancelled

1_13-tab-complete-delay: 0

For 1.13 clients the smallest (1 layer) snow doesn't have collision, this will send these as 2 snowlayers for 1.13+ clients to prevent them bugging through them

fix-low-snow-collision: false

Infested blocks are instantly breakable for 1.13+ clients, resulting in them being unable to break them on sub 1.13 servers. This remaps them to their normal stone variants

fix-infested-block-breaking: true

In 1.14 the client page limit has been upped to 100 (from 50). Some anti-exploit plugins ban when clients go higher than 50. This option cuts edited books to 50 pages.

truncate-1_14-books: false

This prevents clients using 1.9-1.13 on 1.8 servers from receiving no knockback/having velocity bugs whilst sneaking under a block.

change-1_9-hitbox: false

Similar to the above, but for 1.14+ players on 1.8-1.13 servers.

WARNING: This gives 1.14+ players the ability to sneak under blocks, that players under that version cannot (sneaking in places that are only 1.5 blocks high)!

Another thing to remember is that those players might be missed by projectiles and other hits directed at the very top of their head whilst sneaking.

change-1_14-hitbox: false

Fixes 1.14+ clients on sub 1.14 servers having a light value of 0 for non full blocks.

fix-non-full-blocklight: true

Fixes walk animation not shown when health is set to Float.NaN

fix-1_14-health-nan: true

Should 1.15+ clients respawn instantly / without showing a death screen?

use-1_15-instant-respawn: false

Enable serverside block-connections for 1.13+ clients - all of the options in this section are built around this option

serverside-blockconnections: true

Sets the method for the block connections (world for highly experimental (USE AT OWN RISK) world-level or packet for packet-level)

blockconnection-method: packet

When activated, only the most important blocks are stored in the blockstorage. (fences, glass panes etc. won't connect to solid blocks)

reduce-blockstorage-memory: false

When activated with serverside-blockconnections, flower parts with blocks above will be sent as stems

Useful for lobbyservers where users can't build and those stems are used decoratively

flowerstem-when-block-above: false

Vines that are not connected to blocks will be mapped to air, else 1.13+ would still be able to climb up on them.

vine-climb-fix: false

Ignores incoming plugin channel messages of 1.16+ clients with channel names longer than 32 characters.

CraftBukkit had this limit hardcoded until 1.16, so we have to assume any server/proxy might have this arbitrary check present.

ignore-long-1_16-channel-names: true

Force 1.17+ client to accept the server resource pack; they will automatically disconnect if they decline.

forced-use-1_17-resource-pack: false

The message to be displayed at the prompt when the 1.17+ client receives the server resource pack.

resource-pack-1_17-prompt: ''

Caches light until chunks are unloaded to allow subsequent chunk update packets as opposed to instantly uncaching when the first chunk data is sent.

Only disable this if you know what you are doing.

cache-1_17-light: true




No collide options, these allow you to configure how collision works.

Do you want us to prevent collision?

prevent-collision: true

If the above is true, should we automatically team players until you do?

auto-team: true

When enabled if certain metadata can't be read we won't tell you about it

suppress-metadata-errors: false

When enabled 1.9+ will be able to block by using shields

shield-blocking: true

If this setting is active, the main hand is used instead of the off hand to trigger the blocking of the player.

With the main hand the blocking starts way faster.

(Requires "show-shield-when-sword-in-hand" to be disabled)

no-delay-shield-blocking: false

If this setting is active, the shield will appear immediately for 1.9+ when you hold a sword in your main hand.

The shield disappears when you switch to another item.

(Requires "shield-blocking" to be enabled)

show-shield-when-sword-in-hand: false

Enable player tick simulation, this fixes eating, drinking, nether portals.

simulate-pt: true

Should we use nms player to simulate packets, (may fix anti-cheat issues)

nms-player-ticking: true

Should we patch boss bars so they work? (Default: true, disable if you're having issues)

bossbar-patch: true

If your boss bar flickers on 1.9+, set this to 'true'. It will keep all boss bars on 100% (not recommended)

bossbar-anti-flicker: false

This will show the new effect indicator in the top-right corner for 1.9+ players.

use-new-effect-indicator: true

Show the new death messages for 1.9+ on the death screen

use-new-deathmessages: true

Should we cache our items, this will prevent server from being lagged out, however the cost is a constant task caching items

item-cache: true

Patch the anti xray to work on 1.9+ (If your server is 1.8) This can cost more performance, so disable it if you don't use it.

anti-xray-patch: true

Should we replace extended pistons to fix 1.10.1 (Only on chunk load)

replace-pistons: false

What id should we replace with, default is air. (careful of players getting stuck standing on them)

replacement-piston-id: 0

Fix 1.9+ clients not rendering the far away chunks and improve chunk rendering when moving fast (Increases network usage and decreases client fps slightly)

chunk-border-fix: false

Force the string -> json transform

force-json-transform: false

Minimize the cooldown animation in 1.8 servers

minimize-cooldown: true

Allows 1.9+ left-handedness (main hand) on 1.8 servers

left-handed-handling: true

Get the world names which should be returned for each vanilla dimension

map-1_16-world-names: overworld: minecraft:overworld nether: minecraft:the_nether end: minecraft:the_end

misss520 commented 2 years ago

I am using the default configuration given by this plugin, and the version is also the latest

ghost commented 2 years ago

I am using the default configuration given by this plugin, and the version is also the latest

are you using viaversion dev version?

misss520 commented 2 years ago

I apologise for my negligence. I retested this problem on other servers and found that it did not appear. I guess it may be caused by the incompatibility of plug-ins. I'm sorry.

MWHunter commented 2 years ago

Post your plugins list, I don't know how other plugins could break this and plugin incompatibilities are still a valid report.

misss520 commented 2 years ago

oh my god you are so dedicated I looked into it and found that it was a problem with the plugin "EssentialsXSpawn" Using this plugin will not only cause a large number of error logs on the client side, but also lead to bed packages that should not appear, and wrong movements

This plugin is quite old, it is no longer searchable in spigotmc This is really nothing worth fixing, I disabled this plugin Now that the problem has been solved, I'm so grateful for you guys being so helpful in helping me deal with it

MWHunter commented 2 years ago

Fixed by