GrimReaper2654 / WACE-Database

A collection of practice questions for a variety of ATAR subjects.
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Physics Diagrams Missing #5

Open GrimReaper2654 opened 1 month ago

GrimReaper2654 commented 1 month ago

Some physics questions are missing diagrams due to the WACE exams not having them. These diagrams can't be reproduced due to copyright reasons and it would take too long to draw alternatives. Perhaps if we get some absurd number of stars (like 100 plus) I will spend several hours manually drawing all the missing diagrams.

RJDJcool3 commented 4 weeks ago

I'm quite good at doing digital science diagrams, I may be able to reproduce a few in a set style in order to maintain a particular 'branding'/professionalism for the database using excalidraw. I've linked an example diagram (its for Chemistry though) if you want to have a look.


Although I only think this is worth doing if the database becomes popular.

Unfortunately, a lot of missing diagrams are not linked on the acknowledgement page and thus we would have to guess what they might look like.