Grimmys / rpg_tactical_fantasy_game

A tactical turn-based game project in pygame, open to support
GNU General Public License v3.0
392 stars 85 forks source link

Support for multiple languages #72

Open VeejaLiu opened 11 months ago

VeejaLiu commented 11 months ago

Hi, I would like to suggest adding support for multiple languages in the game.

Currently it seems the game only supports English. It would be great if we could translate the game text and dialogues into other languages like Chinese, French, Spanish etc.

This will help bring the game to more players around the world and make it more accessible.

Some suggestions on how to implement:

Please consider adding multi-language support in future versions. Let me know if any help needed with the implementation.


Grimmys commented 11 months ago

Hello @VeejaLiu,

That's funny, because someone just worked on it recently, and it has been merged a few days ago: #68

Currently, only English and Chinese are supported, but I will be working on adding French as well.

I guess you didn't notice it because you started the game through the latest release that is quite old, I should create a new release to bundle all the recent changes. If you want to try the latest version of the game instead, clone this repository, and run it following the instructions in the README file (

JimZhouZZY commented 10 months ago

嗨,@VeejaLiu !很高兴见到志同道合者。 目前中文翻译并不完善,部分内容缺失翻译、翻译不佳。可改进之处很多。您可以阅读data\language_instructions.md来进一步了解。另外,我认为README.md也应当添加相应的语言,您也可以尝试添加中文README。

VeejaLiu commented 10 months ago

@Grimmys @JimZhouZZY

Thank you very much for the thoughtful replies! I'm glad to see the game now supports multiple languages, which is great for global players.

@Grimmys, thanks for sharing the latest build information. I will try the new version following the README instructions. Looking forward to experiencing the language toggle feature.

@JimZhouZZY, I'm highly concerned about the incomplete Chinese translation you mentioned. If you need help proofreading and providing translation suggestions, I'm happy to help out.

Multilingual support is a continuous effort that requires the community's joint participation. I'll continue to follow this issue and am open to any areas you think I could assist with.

Again, thank you for your focus on the player experience and ongoing development work. Wishing the project great success!

Grimmys commented 10 months ago

If you succeed to start the application, and notice any issue (with translations or whatever else), don't hesitate to try to fix on your own version (fork) of the project and then open a PR (Pull Request), you don't have to ask.

For missing translations, just open PR. For bugs, maybe open a prior issue and then the PR to fix it. For new features/improvement ideas, you can talk about it first on a new issue or on the Discord server so we can debate about it.