Grinnode-live / 2020-grin-bug-bash-challenge

Finding bugs in Grin-Wallet & Grin-nodes for a bounty prior to Grin fork v5.
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[GRIN-Wallet] test estimate-selection flag #45

Closed marekyggdrasil closed 3 years ago

marekyggdrasil commented 3 years ago

Description The objective of this test is to test the estimate-selection flag

-e --estimate-selection if present, performs a "dry-run" of creating the transaction, without actually doing anything and locking the funds. It then lists different output selection strategies (outlined below) and their possible effect on your wallet outputs, if chosen.


  1. Setup two GRIN-Wallets (1) + (2)
  2. send funds from wallet (1) to wallet (2) via manual Slatepacks wi --estimate-selection flag

The wallet (2) is only required to provide a receiver address.

Expected result: The transaction should not be posted. It should be a dry run. Expect the funds to not get locked. Report you findings. Provide all the outputs.

Other info: For sender wallet include the output of command

grin-wallet -V

and your environment

uname -a
johndavies24 commented 3 years ago

Cant really figure out how to assign this to myself, the issues didnt get cloned when I cloned the repo to try to PR my assignment. I am sure this has been explained, my bad!

johndavies24 commented 3 years ago

Also no idea why my markdown syntax isnt working on my gist, but the gist is there 😂

marekyggdrasil commented 3 years ago

@johndavies24 thanks for the test and @Paouky thanks for helping keep track of it!

looks like the dry-run performed correctly, thanks for checking that! and as for markdown syntax, the reason why it didn't render is missing .md file extension, could you add it there @johndavies24 ?

reviewed and closing!