Grinnz / App-MigrateModules

perl-migrate-modules - Migrate installed CPAN modules from one Perl to another
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Ability to migrate "to" a local::lib ? #3

Closed castaway closed 1 year ago

castaway commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to migrate a bunch of local::libs after an upgrade, so I was a bit surprised when this tool didnt default to "put the updated modules in the 'from' path" .. any reason why not?

Grinnz commented 1 year ago

As documented:

Modules are installed to the destination Perl using cpanm. To influence the install location, activate a local::lib in your environment, or use the standard Perl and cpanm environment variables, such as "PERL_MM_OPT" in ExtUtils::MakeMaker, "PERL_MB_OPT" in Module::Build, and "PERL_CPANM_OPT" in cpanm.

There's an example documented as well:

Migrate modules to a custom local::lib location, using /opt/perl-5.28.0 to find modules within its search paths and using /opt/perl-5.28.1 to install to /opt/project/local:

$ env PERL_CPANM_OPT='-l /opt/project/local' perl-migrate-modules /opt/perl-5.28.0 /opt/perl-5.28.1