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List::MoreUtils's message isn't very compelling #45

Open grahamc opened 2 years ago

grahamc commented 2 years ago

I came across this lint:

Used module List::MoreUtils at line 6, column 1. List::MoreUtils is a far more complex distribution than it needs to be. Use List::SomeUtils instead, or see List::Util or List::UtilsBy for alternatives.

and to me this reads as "this library is very fully featured and has everything you need :) don't use it!". I assume that since there is a lint for it there is a very good reason to avoid it. Maybe the message could include some information about the hazard?

Grinnz commented 2 years ago

It is the distribution, not the library, that is more complex than it needs to be. List::SomeUtils is a fork that provides the same functions. I'm not sure of a succinct way to explain the issues, but they are encapsulated in and