Grinnz / perldoc-browser

Perldoc Browser
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Math::BigRat->bdiv() #49

Closed ShaunGriffithRyff closed 2 years ago

ShaunGriffithRyff commented 2 years ago

In the bdiv() section, the last term appears to be $x- bmod($y)> (though the code highlighting stops after $x-). From my local copy in perldoc, this part seems correct ($x->bmod($y)), so I wonder if the perldoc browser parser has failed here?

The source of the webpage has <code>$x-</code>bmod($y)&gt;, when I would expect <code>$x->bmod($y)</code>; (I think).

[Separately, the original module source misspells "remainder" as "remainer" once in that section, but I've reported that to the maintainer.]


Grinnz commented 2 years ago

This is a POD error by the maintainer. C<$x->bmod($y)> should be C<< $x->bmod($y) >> or C<$x-E<gt>bmod($y)>. See

Grinnz commented 2 years ago

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