GritLearning / grit

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quiz result is not clear enough #45

Open daveob opened 10 years ago

daveob commented 10 years ago

Moderate. When a quiz is failed, the screen says "Try again!", but with their limited language skills, it may not be immediately clear what the result was.

It would be better to reinforce this with a "failed" graphic like the prototype shows. (Nothing really negative, but an "oops"-style smiley would be good.)

Same thing for quiz success - a smiley would reinforce their success.

daveob commented 10 years ago

@heathsplosion Are you able to round up the two smileys for this? Would be great to get it into the build for next week's launch.

eoinkelly commented 10 years ago

Perhaps one of these royalty free SVG smileys would do in the meantime:

daveob commented 10 years ago

Let's go with the frowny:

daveob commented 10 years ago

The "passed" message should have a happy face and the arrow should be on the right and point right (i.e. go forward).

The "failed" message should have a frowny face and the arrow should be on the left and pointing left (i.e. go back).