Grizzelbee / ioBroker.mielecloudservice

Integrates your MieleCloudService (aka Miele@Home) Devices to ioBroker
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Update package.json - require node 18 #404

Closed mcm1957 closed 4 months ago

mcm1957 commented 4 months ago

Adapter is tested against node 18 / 20 only. Node 14 and node 16 are outdated since onths and no longer maintained.

Hance adapter should require node 18 as minimum.

Please merge PR / adapter engines clause for next release. An urgent extra release is not required as repository build talkes repository head revision anyway.

Grizzelbee commented 4 months ago


Is there any way to run the adapter checker (e.g. inside tetst-and-commit.yml) every time I open a PR to my master branch to avoid things like this? The problem is, that these issues don't pop up until you open a PR to the stable repo - which is too late.

mcm1957 commented 4 months ago

This is an open issue - you are right.

First: If you use a version of the adapter checker is running. But this version is slightly outdated.

I am currently working at the adapter checker to update checks and release new versions from tzie to time. Currently there are app 60 open issues - so it will take soe time. I've set up the checker at repository PRs to always use the latest version of the chcker. Sad to say, the webbased needs several task done to use the newest chcker - and those tasks cannot be done by me (no rights and missing knowedge. Updating the webbased chcker need access to iobroker webservers - so this can be done by bluefox only.

What you can do is startung the latest chcker manually:

npx @iobroker/repochecker


I plan to reactivate a sort of recurrent scan of all repositories. But I cannot give an estimate when this will be done. You suggestion to add it to standard tests looks like a good idea - I will evaluate how a workflow could be created to check and create a useable feedback. This check should be run independent of standard checks as the repochecker too often reports errors which must be ignored and the repochecker should not technical block creating a release. But I will evaluate if / how this can be implemented so that the checker results reach dev earlier - at least if they are interesed.

And THANKS for fast response / merging.