GroceriStar / calendar

React components related to creating Meal Calendar Frontend
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Tasks List #71

Open atherdon opened 5 years ago

atherdon commented 5 years ago

GuiFSs commented 5 years ago

i can do the second and the third task, but for the third one, i'll need more information about what should be in MealForm component

atherdon commented 5 years ago

Ok, let's start from second task

atherdon commented 5 years ago

Story: Previosly, most part of this funcitonality was done by Sanchit - while he learned how to code at React. At some point, we decided to split code, that was made into a few chunks. My aim was to separate meal calendar and work on it as standalone module. it helps us to make it clean, try different approaches, etc.

AddMealForm is a file, that was used at Sanchit project. And we move it only for one reason - without this component - our project will be broken(because our previous project structure was not ideal, but ok). Actually, at this stage of calendar module - we don't need this form. So main idea was to remove this component. But not just delete it and forget about it. You should be aware and check whole project. because if you just delete this file - it'll break the project - you should prevent it and clean up our code.

tell me if something is not clear @GuiFSs

GuiFSs commented 5 years ago

so, the file AddMealModal.js in the project will be in another module and should be deleted from this one, but i have to make sure that when i delete it, it won't break the project, but for what i saw, this file is not been used in any other component, so i think it won't be a problem

atherdon commented 5 years ago

yes, you're right, but i'm not sure if it not used anywhere

GuiFSs commented 5 years ago

ok so, i was testing the "switch mode" button, and i found an error when we get a dish by week, should i open a issue and try to figure it out the problem? i think it's because the function getRandomWeek in WorkSchedule.js file

atherdon commented 5 years ago

yes, please open an issue and explain it here. it'll help us in future

atherdon commented 5 years ago

Please follow this link

GuiFSs commented 5 years ago

Please follow this link

sorry to ask, but what is this for?

atherdon commented 5 years ago

you can read it by URL :) want to add you to collaborators, so i can assign tasks at this repo for you

atherdon commented 5 years ago

@GuiFSs let's discuss here what else we can do at this project right now. Do you have any ideas?

atherdon commented 5 years ago

i'm curious to see your ideas about how we can improve it

GuiFSs commented 5 years ago

ok, but first i would like to know more about the main function of calendar, i mean, correct me if i'm wrong, the objective of calendar is to show the users, suggestions about helthy meals, ingredients, etc, in a certain day and time, so the user can keep it organized and have a better diet

atherdon commented 5 years ago

right now is more simple than you think. Maybe later we'll evolve it, but for now - main goal of this project is to give an ability to people see meal plans(i.e. meals/recipes) per days. Nothing more nothing less. This repository is our sandbox. Where we testing different layouts, different components that we can use.

When we'll make the code of it clean - we'll be able to add this module to our projects.

GuiFSs commented 5 years ago

well, the only thing i can think now is to have a way of people share this meal plans, i think this is a good way bring more people to the site. But i don't know if this is too complex right now

atherdon commented 5 years ago

yeah, i like your idea. will add it to our feature list. and yes - it's not a simple thing

atherdon commented 5 years ago

@GuiFSs do you have other tasks?

GuiFSs commented 5 years ago

@atherdon actually i don't have

atherdon commented 5 years ago please grab something from here - but notify what you'll take. we are with Vadim working on it too

atherdon commented 5 years ago

@GuiFSs tell me if you need help with this task from that repo or if you busy at college - so i'll be able to assign it to someone else