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calendar component improvements #42

Open atherdon opened 6 years ago

atherdon commented 6 years ago

You're using an old-fashion way to wrap elements. It's like i did it 5-8 years ago :) But right now React + ES6 provides a better way to display tags like this. Tell me how do you think it can be improved?

Similar problem. And you also can minimize the amount of code for this method by using functions from underscore/lodash package

smob123 commented 6 years ago

I think we can use the same array method we did in bebe-grocery. Also, I just want to remind you that next Sunday is going to be the last day I will be able to work with you guys, because I have other classes coming up and I will not have time to both study and work with you guys

atherdon commented 6 years ago

yes, i like this idea.

For sure, thank you for letting me know! I'll prepare a certificate for you

smob123 commented 6 years ago

Okay, so I have some good news and some half good news ( trying to be positive 😁 ).

The good news is that I updated most of the calendar's code, so it would be easier to read for the next person, and it's now consistent with the coding style on bebe-grocery.

The half good news is that I was able to change the number of days in each month, but every month still starts on Monday.

atherdon commented 6 years ago

@smob123 I'll check your code updates soon. Tell me is this certificate is ok img198 ?

atherdon commented 6 years ago

i also want to add this recommendation text to angellist and linkedin

atherdon commented 6 years ago
Sultan Mohammed is a young and promising software engineer
We spend a lot of time together during this internship and he’s learned a lot
Highly recommend!
smob123 commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much for the certificate, it looks perfect but actually Mohammed is not my last name. My last name is Banabila, I think it would be fine if you keep it as it is on Angellist and LinkedIn.

atherdon commented 6 years ago

Ohh, got it. Sorry for this - i just pick your AngelList username. i'll update it and send you a new version

smob123 commented 6 years ago

and lastly I want to thank you for the great opportunity you have given me, I truly learned a lot of things in the process, and this has helped me immensely in my current work, and I will always be grateful for that.

I also want to apologize if I had bothered you with anything, I know I ask a lot of questions sometime :).

and it was a pleasure to work with you on this great project, and I wish all the best for you.

atherdon commented 6 years ago

img254 check this version

smob123 commented 6 years ago

This one looks perfect, thank you for the update :)

atherdon commented 6 years ago

sure, it's pleasure for me. Ok, so this is it - the end, right?

smob123 commented 6 years ago

Yes, I think so. Unless you see otherwise

atherdon commented 6 years ago

i'm ok to continue our collaboration. we made a pretty good progress, but for sure - but i understand that you need time in your college too. if you ok to continue, but will have less time with me - i'm ok with this it

smob123 commented 6 years ago

The issue is that I was already taking two heavy courses up until two weeks ago, and this week I started my third course, which will make my schedule even more packed for the time being. So I don't think that I would be able to continue working with you for now, but if I happen to find sometime after the summer semester I'll let you know for sure :)

atherdon commented 6 years ago

perfect. i'll wait for you, not sure if we'll make exact things that we did here, but i'm pretty sure that i'll find how to keep you busy and teach you something new. Btw, if you can spread the word about me and my project to your friends or your students mates - it'll really help me. we did an awesome progress with intern like you, but it still require alot of changes. one of the problem - that i'm always looking for making it better. As example - we did a 3 api servers by using some nodejs framework. but 2 month ago i find a more cool, easy and clear way to do the same work. and we decided to redo all that servers from scratch :)

smob123 commented 6 years ago

No problem, I'll see what I can do. and yeah it's crazy how frameworks change so quickly, today we are using react, next year we might use something different

atherdon commented 6 years ago

yeah, but what is really amazing is how projects become more and more modular. another things is automatically builds, deploys on servers, tests... when i started to code - nobody cares about test coverage. but right now it's musthave.

ok, thank you for your help to our company - it means a lot for me. Soon i think we'll use code that you've made inside our project. Keep me posted - i'll be glad to hear from you agan

atherdon commented 6 years ago

can you give me your linkedin url? cannot find it

atherdon commented 6 years ago

just find it: send you a request.