Groogy / rbSFML

Ruby bindings to SFML
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issue with rake doc #24

Closed Haerald closed 12 years ago

Haerald commented 12 years ago

Hello, i have a problem when rake generate the doc. It's only generating 4 object (clock,error,rect,color). I have seen in the rakefile the yardoc task, but there is no rb files in all directories !

Here is the log build :

rake (in /tmp/rbSFML) Calculating MD5 checksum Compiling shared/global.cpp Compiling shared/Vector3.cpp Compiling shared/Vector2.cpp Compiling shared/NonCopyable.cpp Compiling audio/main.cpp Compiling audio/SoundStream.cpp Compiling audio/SoundSource.cpp Compiling audio/SoundRecorder.cpp Compiling audio/SoundBufferRecorder.cpp Compiling audio/SoundBuffer.cpp Compiling audio/Sound.cpp Compiling audio/Music.cpp Compiling audio/Listener.cpp Creating Compiling graphics/main.cpp Compiling graphics/View.cpp Compiling graphics/Texture.cpp Compiling graphics/Text.cpp Compiling graphics/Sprite.cpp Compiling graphics/Shape.cpp Compiling graphics/Shader.cpp Compiling graphics/Renderer.cpp Compiling graphics/RenderWindow.cpp Compiling graphics/RenderTexture.cpp Compiling graphics/RenderTarget.cpp Compiling graphics/Rect.cpp Compiling graphics/Image.cpp Compiling graphics/Glyph.cpp Compiling graphics/Font.cpp Compiling graphics/Drawable.cpp Compiling graphics/Color.cpp Creating Compiling window/main.cpp Compiling window/Window.cpp Compiling window/VideoMode.cpp Compiling window/Mouse.cpp Compiling window/Keyboard.cpp Compiling window/Joystick.cpp Compiling window/Event.cpp Compiling window/ContextSettings.cpp Compiling window/Context.cpp Creating Compiling system/main.cpp Compiling system/InputStream.cpp Compiling system/Error.cpp Compiling system/Clock.cpp Creating Compiling all/main.cpp Creating mkdir -p obj/shared mkdir -p obj/audio mkdir -p sfml mkdir -p obj/shared mkdir -p obj/graphics mkdir -p sfml mkdir -p obj/shared mkdir -p obj/window mkdir -p sfml mkdir -p obj/shared mkdir -p obj/system mkdir -p sfml mkdir -p obj/all mkdir -p sfml rake doc [info]: Re-generating object SFML... [info]: Re-generating object SFML::Clock... [info]: Re-generating object SFML::Error... [info]: Re-generating object SFML::Rect... [info]: Re-generating object SFML::Color... [info]: Re-generating object ... (in /tmp/rbSFML) Files: 4 Modules: 1 ( 1 undocumented) Classes: 4 ( 0 undocumented) Constants: 8 ( 0 undocumented) Methods: 14 ( 0 undocumented)

96.30% documented

rake test (in /tmp/rbSFML) Loaded 'sfml/system' Loaded 'sfml/window' Loaded 'sfml/graphics' Loaded 'sfml/audio' Loaded suite /usr/bin/rake Started ................... Finished in 0.043402 seconds.

19 tests, 95 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

Test run options: --seed 22484

I'm using Archlinux. Thanks, Bye !

lbguilherme commented 12 years ago

Actually just these classes have docs. And just them have tests too. We are working to add all of them to the docs and do tests to all. You will have to wait a while to have everything complete. You can use it by trial and error with SFML docs.

Groogy commented 12 years ago

The library has been designed to behave as the original sfml library for this reason. There should be no difference in usage. Of course there is also provided a rubish natured interface. Keeping the doc up to date is also hard when SFML2 is not done yet and Laurent keep adding new things. Though he's hinting about being done soon.

Haerald commented 12 years ago

oh sorry, I thought with rdoc it was more complete so that's why i've make this issue ! Thanks guys.