Groostav / GAD110-Catan-Life-Mashup

Research and design of a game that is a hybred between Settlers of Catan and The Game of Life.
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Upload Results for Internal Playtest #2 #21

Closed TheUber closed 11 years ago

TheUber commented 11 years ago

I was pretty sure you had these with you, Cameron. If you upload them I'll put them with the submission docs and make them all look awesome.

MoffCH commented 11 years ago

Name of game? Life of Catan Settlers of Life

Impressions Turn one is a write off.

Can have more than one couple in a settlement to generate children

When run out of people cannot generate more until come are gone Faster with new rules

Maybe have multi-turns in gen 10 to allow Pre time to move and destruction

Ideas next game, half price to build on destroyed city Add I having to add person to build roads Pillage bonus? Roll bonuses, no more than +4, do six will defend against 1

Money has effect at end. Current Citizen/generation mechanic makes first two generations useless Want to get away from war, make it influence instead of destruction

Too many people on city Upkeep Four no money from city Five zero k ( 10 k from upkeep, -10k from upkeep) Six -10k cost

No money, citizens die

Playtest 3 on day 2

Ask AB Questions first

QA question

Should there be an attack bonus and how much?

How do you like defensive bonus, should it take more or less people to have a defensive bonus?

If played Settlers before, how like buy with money instead of resource?

Is there enough time for game?

Is this game too complex, too simple?