GrottoCenter / GrottoCenter-v2

The Wiki database made by cavers for cavers
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Linked data #55

Open urien opened 8 years ago

urien commented 8 years ago

WikiCaves' aims relate strongly to sharing speleological data using the Internet, and so do the aims of the new WikiCaves/UIS working group, therefore if you are not already doing it, I suggest looking into setting up GrottoCenter data so that it can be machine-queried and retrieved over the Internet using W3C's international standards for "Linked data" on the "Semantic web".

For more information:

Introductions and standards by W3C:

An easy to follow ebook covering the topic is (free download Chapter 1 which gives a good intro.): Linked Data, David Wood, Marsha Zaidman and Luke Ruth, Manning Publications (2013),

In addition, the sharing of cave and karst data is an important issue for UIS and its Informatics Commission. We are now members of the International Council for Science (ICSU) with its World Data System (WDS) subgroup, are a founding partner of the Karst Information Portal (KIP), and hope to make as much of our material as possible available via Linked Data, and fit into the WDS scenario. This would include, for example, our data fields catalogue, speleo subject classifications, and our multi-lingual cavers dictionary. Perhaps some people in WikiCaves might be interested to help us with this work?