Groundwire / Campaign-Combiner

Groundwire's Campaign Combiner Salesforce app
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Conditional logic on inclusion/exclusion #2

Open emagnuson opened 12 years ago

emagnuson commented 12 years ago

Submitted by a user: When excluding campaigns in Campaign Combiner, we've found that if an individual is in multiple campaigns (including the one we're excluding) their name is completely excluded. We were trying to create an email campaign that excludes some campaigns but includes others, so if an individual is in both a campaign we want to include and one we want to exclude, their name is excluded entirely. Is there a way to get around this, some rule that would direct the program to exclude members of a certain campaign UNLESS they were in an included campaign? Thanks so much!

groundwired commented 12 years ago

I think the answer is that you do it in two steps - exclude and then include. But it would be possible to provide the option; I think I even proposed it but we decided it was difficult to explain and not that valuable.