Groundwire / Online-Payments

online payments managed package
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PaymentProcessor_PreventMultipleDefaults.trigger not functional #9

Open njjc opened 12 years ago

njjc commented 12 years ago

PaymentProcessor_PreventMultipleDefaults.trigger doesn't allow editing the current default record; trying to save after an edit throws "Error:You have already selected a Payment Processor as the Default Processor. Please uncheck this option to save this record."

njjc commented 12 years ago

I believe this should work:

trigger PaymentProcessor_PreventMultipleDefaults on gwop__Payment_Processor__c (before insert, before update) {

    //first query to see if there is a default processor
    Payment_Processor__c[] processors = [SELECT id FROM Payment_Processor__c WHERE Default_Connection__c = true];

    if (!processors.isEmpty()) {
        for (Payment_Processor__c p : {
            if (p.Default_Connection__c && (trigger.isInsert ||!=processors[0].id)) {
                p.addError('You have already selected a Payment Processor as the Default Processor. Please uncheck this option to save this record.');
