Have you completed studying this resource?: Lectures yes, book and homework no.
Your review of this resource: The lectures are great for an intuitive understanding
Why do you think this resource will be useful for others?: OSN course at IIIT uses a boring graduate textbook with a lot of detail. Since the teaching is poor, achieving clarity of concepts or finding the coursework interesting is almost impossible without learning elsewhere. Hence, using the intuitive lectures here and the conceptual easy-to-read book (OSTEP) can be useful to most.
Resource Name: Remzi Spring'18 and OSTEP
Contributor (your) Name: Shashwat Goel
Resource Links: http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~remzi/Classes/537/Spring2018/
Have you completed studying this resource?: Lectures yes, book and homework no.
Your review of this resource: The lectures are great for an intuitive understanding
Why do you think this resource will be useful for others?: OSN course at IIIT uses a boring graduate textbook with a lot of detail. Since the teaching is poor, achieving clarity of concepts or finding the coursework interesting is almost impossible without learning elsewhere. Hence, using the intuitive lectures here and the conceptual easy-to-read book (OSTEP) can be useful to most.