Have you completed studying this resource?: Completed 6/8 sections
Your review of this resource: Video letures are lengthy but really good. The demos using wireshark and shell utilities in between lectures are really helpful in understanding the topics practically. Watching this course alone can be boring. Pick atleast one person along with you to watch as the topics can get hard to grasp at times and can become boring.
Why do you think this resource will be useful for others?: IIIT Prof tries to cover a very heavy book in less than a month time and usually is very theoretical with no history, reasons or demos (particularly this). This course is much better than trying to understand inclass lectures. Another thing worth mentioning is that i tried finding various resources to study networking from and found this to be the best one according to me.
Resource Name: Introduction To Computer Networking
Contributor (your) Name: Kunwar Shaanjeet Singh Grover
Resource Links:
Have you completed studying this resource?: Completed 6/8 sections
Your review of this resource: Video letures are lengthy but really good. The demos using wireshark and shell utilities in between lectures are really helpful in understanding the topics practically. Watching this course alone can be boring. Pick atleast one person along with you to watch as the topics can get hard to grasp at times and can become boring.
Why do you think this resource will be useful for others?: IIIT Prof tries to cover a very heavy book in less than a month time and usually is very theoretical with no history, reasons or demos (particularly this). This course is much better than trying to understand inclass lectures. Another thing worth mentioning is that i tried finding various resources to study networking from and found this to be the best one according to me.