Growlith1223 / ArsMagica2

Ars Magica 2 Bug Tracker
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[1.5.0-17] Water guardian could be summoned with only oak boat #201

Open camilla-ett opened 7 years ago

camilla-ett commented 7 years ago

Minecraft have 6 kind of boats after version 1.9 but Water Guardian could be summoned with only oak boat. Which is better only oak or all kind of wood?

Valchap commented 7 years ago

I have two ideas The first is to add compatibility with each boats. The second is to add witchwood boat and summon the water guardian with it.

xenxero1 commented 7 years ago

I like the idea of a witchwood boat. Better astetic and opens up some possibilities for magic boats/ improvements to boats /enchanting / item for spell crafting.

camilla-ett commented 7 years ago

witchwood boat! it sounds good. First, add compatibility with each boats in this fix. then, we will discuss witchwood boat for next version. how do you think @Growlith1223 ?

xenxero1 commented 7 years ago

What I interpreted Valentin's comment to mean, was remove all other boats from the summon recipe, and JUST use witchwood boats. Because magic

Valchap commented 7 years ago

@xenxero1 Yes that's it.