Growlith1223 / ArsMagica2

Ars Magica 2 Bug Tracker
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Spell Recipe Books missing written components, while still catching them in NBT data. #233

Open xenxero1 opened 7 years ago

xenxero1 commented 7 years ago

Upon trying to create a chain-lightning themed spell, I ran into an issue. After creating the spell in the crafting altar: Beam > Chain || Lightning Damage > Damage > Damage > Damage. I tried casting it on a nearby zombie. It had the effects of lightning and all, but no damage was being dealt. On further review of the spell recipe, no Lightning Damage component existed in the book.

I recreated the book, double checking this time in the inscription table. Again, no actual Lightning Damage component existed. I then recreated the spell one more time, this time using Frost damage, and appending Freeze to it. Freeze was present in the book, but Frost Damage was not.

Am2: -17b

xenxero1 commented 7 years ago

UPDATE: I Tried circumventing the bug by recreating a spell: Beam -> Chain || Physical Damage -> Frost Damage -> Damage -> Damage -> Damage -> Freeze. To no avail. The affinities are added fine, so the effect appears. It appears in each book, the first entry of the effect selection field is simply "Damage". Each field after that was indented and prefixed with a hyphen. The physical damage appeared as "Damage" at the top, while Frost Damage was still rendered in the text. This leads me to believe there is an issue with how books are written. A glitch in the effect page seems to render all effects listed non-working.

xenxero1 commented 7 years ago

The items are still not being written in the book properly, but I do believe the spell is functional. It turns out that Beam -> Chain || does not work. Submitting this as a seperate bug.

xenxero1 commented 7 years ago

After further investigation, Several spells appear to not be written correctly into the books. For instance, Self || Daylight does not write Daylight into the book. I've concluded that this does not actually affect the output spell from crafting, as the NBT data seems to be written properly into the books. Rather this is just an issue of the book not displaying the proper components.