Growlith1223 / ArsMagica2

Ars Magica 2 Bug Tracker
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Beam -> Chain || Not functioning as it seems it should. #237

Open xenxero1 opened 7 years ago

xenxero1 commented 7 years ago

After creating my spell, as outlined here: I noticed it was not actually doing damage. I chalked it up to not being written in the spell book correctly. I can't confirm that this was an issue/the sole cause however. After creating the exact same spell in creative (using only the inscription table), the spell still would not do damage.

I created 3 more similar spells. 1st removed the chain component. 2nd removed only the Beam component. 3rd Just separated them into separate shape groups. All 3 of these spells did damage (although I would've though beam would be a little more responsive with actually dealing damage, similar to how dig works).

Am2: -17b