Growlith1223 / ArsMagica2

Ars Magica 2 Bug Tracker
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[Question] Do Am2 light blocks spawn as tile-entities? #303

Closed xenxero1 closed 7 years ago

xenxero1 commented 7 years ago

I remember someone telling me this once, when they asked us to not use Light spells on their server. I know there were several glitches involving this that have since been resolved but the question remains for me.

I ask mainly because having the Light Step armor enhancement seems self-dooming -- destroying your computer with tile-entities.

TheIcyOne commented 7 years ago

They have no reason to, so almost certainly yes ;) I'll have a look when I get to a PC.

TheIcyOne commented 7 years ago

Nevermind, no tile entities involved.