Growlith1223 / ArsMagica2

Ars Magica 2 Bug Tracker
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Issue when crafting spells #338

Open katamari666 opened 7 years ago

katamari666 commented 7 years ago

Hi - I've installed the mod, and gone to make my first spell. I chose the components as described. However, when placing a book in the inscription table, it instantly changed the book to an 'unfinished spell' recipe. Also, I only had two boxes to place items in, and all I could place was either projectile or gravity, not allowed to place fire damage which I'd chosen to start.

I've tried uninstalling and re-installing the mod, only for the same problem to re-occur.

Could you please advise what I need to do?

gerb82 commented 7 years ago

my brother has been having the same issue on his server, although i can create spells on singleplayer, and he and his friend can too, but none can create it on that server.

Growlith1223 commented 7 years ago

Will be fixed in next version, as for the 2 boxes thing, you mean for spell shapes and such? if you mean them, then in order to get the others, you'll need the table upgrades

gerb82 commented 7 years ago

on the server my brother is running when someone places a book it's immediately signed, and when you place a spell shape it throws it away saying that at least one component is required, but it only lets you place the shapes and everything else is grayed out, and the books also read something among the lines of "invalid book format" after they are immediately signed.

Growlith1223 commented 7 years ago

Do you have things in the 2 boxes and gray bar? if not, regardless of what you have in those 2 areas, the book and quill is turned into a written book the moment you put it in the inscription table, you can rename it and pull it out and it'll be named as such, and you can still put things into the book provided you haven't taken it out

gerb82 commented 7 years ago

can't put anything in the bar and the squares, regardless of a book being in there or not. also, in singleplayer when it did work for me, the book stayed unsigned when i put it, but it refused to accept anything new into it, and the spell it saved was the one that was there when i put it in

katamari666 commented 7 years ago

Aha. Turns out I missed the grey bar altogether. Thanks for the advice Growlith, I may well have a fire spell to start things off!

xenxero1 commented 7 years ago

It should be noted in the future (seems too minor for its own issue), that shift-clicking a written spellbook out seems to pull a blank spell book and it won't take any of the components from the table.

TheIcyOne commented 7 years ago

Ah, that explains a random issue I had. I assumed I was just being silly.