Growlith1223 / ArsMagica2

Ars Magica 2 Bug Tracker
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[Suggestion]Rework HUD positioning to be coord based #353

Open thephoenixlodge opened 7 years ago

thephoenixlodge commented 7 years ago

Currently the HUD configuration is saved as a % position of the height and width of the screen. As a pack dev trying to make it look good with a custom HUD, this system is useless. I config the HUD to look good with the other HUD elements on my system, but as soon as it goes to someone else, it's completely misplaced and/or overlapping with other elements due to differing screen sizes and aspect ratios, nearly always looking outright bad. Ideally this could be changed to work like most other configurable HUDs, where it is saved as anchoring to left vs right, top vs bottom, and being a pixel count distance from the anchor point.

Growlith1223 commented 7 years ago

honestly, I'm not entirely sure why percentage was chosen to begin with but yea, this is a good suggestion lol

EdwinMindcraft commented 7 years ago

Percentage was probably chosen to support multiple screen size and not having the HUD broken on each and every new installation, and the reworked version uses that system because it was a pain to reimplement everything from scratch.