Growlith1223 / ArsMagica2

Ars Magica 2 Bug Tracker
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Question... #369

Open Teraphina opened 7 years ago

Teraphina commented 7 years ago

Is 20 to 26 the max exp per cast one can acumulate, no matter the combination that i do the max exp i can gain seems to be 20 to 26 (mostly 22) i am level 22 and have most of the blues open. and then only if i am at 0 burn out, if im anywhere above 0 burnout i only gain 1 to 5 exp.

version 1.10.2-1.5.0-18

TheIcyOne commented 7 years ago

The XP gain function does limit around 26, but you could imbue your chest armour to obtain a pretty hefty chunk of bonus xp per cast.

Teraphina commented 7 years ago

so basically when leveling use the lowest burnout spell you can that gives you 25 exp per cast? and ill be lvl 99 before i get lvl 60+ on my armor to get the xp boost unless there is a faster way to gain armor xp seems im only getting from spells not from kills?

ohh i think this was posted somewhere else that custom npcs mod isnt dropping exp for the kills for the armor

TheIcyOne commented 7 years ago

The XP gain falloff isn't actually tied to burnout, but does increase with the number of components in the spell.