Growlith1223 / ArsMagica2

Ars Magica 2 Bug Tracker
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Fixed tester/contributor cloaks (and some aura fixes) #388

Open jjtParadox opened 6 years ago

jjtParadox commented 6 years ago

Cloaks and auras broke when Mithion's website moved to HTTPS. The aura code was also erroneously using username instead of UUID to do lookups.

Also added EdwinMindcraft and The_Icy_One to the list, cause those two are pretty awesome.

Also the cloak rendering is clipping through players' arms when they move. Haven't yet figured out how to fix that.

UPDATE: Auras are working client side. Networking will be added after PR #391 is merged in.

TheIcyOne commented 6 years ago

Can confirm I am awesome, although that lookup problem is because I wasn't being awesome and just copy/pasted the old code from before UUIDs were prevalent, and bodged till it worked.

jjtParadox commented 6 years ago

Whelp just realized the aura particle render system had never been ported from 1.7.10. @EdwinMindcraft do you happen to know what needs to be done to get that working?

jjtParadox commented 6 years ago

Auras should be working clientside now, but data is not synced across servers. That'll have to wait until the PR mentioned in the primary post is merged in.