Growlith1223 / ArsMagica2

Ars Magica 2 Bug Tracker
65 stars 32 forks source link

Regarding any and all current bugs within the mod #392

Open Growlith1223 opened 6 years ago

Growlith1223 commented 6 years ago

I know i've left you all in the dark for a while now(almost a half a year, wow!) and what im about to say may or may not make people angry, but, any and all current and new bugs with the current source, are currently going to be ignored from me.

1.12 and up are getting a complete rewrite of the entire mod, changing up not only existing mechanics but also adding in new ones.

My reason for rewriting it is due to the fact that, Im not good with existing source codes, it takes months for me to get the handle of an already existing source, and with how much of a clustertruck the current source is, i took it upon myself to rewrite the entire mod to ensure that everything is as stable and in working condition from the very beginning to give YOU, the player, a better experience rather than give you....what's already been given...i feel bad as a programmer for even taking over this because i blindsided edwin from his own work as well, but also, i ended up just not working on the source after porting it and fixing up little things...

Anywho, regarding the progress on the 1.12 version, i have a base and some mechanics in already, just waiting on a friend to finish making some new textures for things and i can get the ball rolling on that!

Starting today, there will be a lot more updates from me!

Divineaspect commented 6 years ago

Is/Will there be a prefered forum format? IRC, Discord, etc?

Growlith1223 commented 6 years ago

I mean, it doesn't matter what you use, i guess i could set up a Discord server if that's what yall want

Mowmaster commented 6 years ago

A discord would be cool

ImperfMage commented 6 years ago

Honestly that would be amazing

Divineaspect commented 6 years ago

Discord would be nice, yes.

Growlith1223 commented 6 years ago There you go, not sure if i got everything set up properly though

Darinth commented 6 years ago

It's good to hear something about what's going on here. I'm playing on the 1.10.2 version, but as you're aware there are a lot of bugs. I look forward to being able to rebuild the current pack I've got for 1.12.2, but at least for me personally AM2 is a major component and one that I'm hesitant to abandon.

Thank you for making contact and letting us know what's going on. I look forward to hearing more. :)

tanisdlj commented 6 years ago

Which version should we download to play v.1.10.2? Edwin one or yours? (and if yours... where is it? :S)


TheIcyOne commented 6 years ago

Growlith's ones are on Curseforge for Ars Magica 2, Edwin's are newer builds and I think they're on his repository.

Darinth commented 6 years ago

Current consensus seems to be that Edwin's is the better option for 1.10.2. Still not quite feature complete, but less buggy.