Log Chunk 1
[2024-05-20T07:08:32Z] INFO -- Migration started by shubhajyoti-bagchi-groww from https://github.com/GrowwOld/ui-toolkit to Groww-OSS/ui-toolkit
[2024-05-20T07:08:32Z] INFO -- Migration ID: d62ebc01-b518-40c2-a972-6cc7b482afa6
[2024-05-20T07:08:32Z] INFO -- -----------------------------
[2024-05-20T07:08:32Z] INFO -- Git source migration started
[2024-05-20T07:13:13Z] INFO -- Git source migration completed
[2024-05-20T07:13:13Z] INFO -- -----------------------------
[2024-05-20T07:13:13Z] INFO -- Extraction started
[2024-05-20T07:13:28Z] INFO -- Extraction complete
[2024-05-20T07:13:28Z] INFO -- -----------------------------
[2024-05-20T07:13:28Z] INFO -- Transformation started
[2024-05-20T07:13:43Z] INFO -- Transformation complete
[2024-05-20T07:13:43Z] INFO -- -----------------------------
[2024-05-20T07:13:43Z] INFO -- Import started
[2024-05-20T07:13:43Z] WARN -- 'Allow Forking' setting could not be enabled for the repository because it is not enabled at the organization level.
[2024-05-20T07:13:44Z] WARN -- LoadProtectedBranchJob: Protected Branch for branch name develop could not be imported.
[2024-05-20T07:13:45Z] WARN -- LoadProtectedBranchJob: Protected Branch for branch name main could not be imported.
[2024-05-20T07:14:51Z] INFO -- Import complete
[2024-05-20T07:14:51Z] INFO -- -----------------------------
[2024-05-20T07:14:52Z] INFO -- Migration complete
[2024-05-20T07:14:52Z] INFO -- -----------------------------
This is an auto-generated issue. The migration log is in the following comment(s).