Exchange on-prem occasionally returns security principals without a GUID
Complete rewrite of code getting UserFriendlyName
Use GUID instead of PrimarySmtpAddress where possible
The default export and error files now have the execution timestamp in their filename
Sample code Compare-RecipientPermissions.ps1 now uses a faster compare mechanism when possible, and warns when comparison probably needs to much ressources
Debug and error files now contain the Exchange GUID and the Directory GUID in addition to the primary SMTP address
Export-RecipientPermissions no longer includes the ExchangeOnlineManagement module. This reduces the size of the package and gives Exchange Online admins control over which version of the module is used.
Exchange Online: Switched back from EXO cmdlets to regular cmdlets, because of changes in returned properties, which do not allow to uniquely identify a trustee (example: Get-EXORecipientPermission sometimes only returns the trustee's display name, which is not guaranteed to be unique)
v3.2.0 - 2024-05-04
now uses a faster compare mechanism when possible, and warns when comparison probably needs to much ressourcesAdded